Picture 21A-20, 21A-20.5, 21A-21, and 21A-22.

These are the covers of a pair of booklets of 90 tickets issued to a retiree and his wife on March 1, 1983.  Note the consecutive serial numbers.  The RTA took over transit service from NOPSI on July 1, 1983, so it is not surprising that only one ticket was used from each of these booklets.  From the top, these are the front cover, the inside front cover, and the back cover.  (The inside back cover is blank.)  The dark blue band is the tape binding the pages of the booklet.  The tickets in this booklet are the H series tickets, the type shown in Picture 21A-19.5, above.

The author is puzzled by the Condition printed on the inside front cover.  How does that apply to retired persons or their family members?  I speculate that it may have been intended for retirees who came back to work part-time.  Or it may have been something included in booklets of tickets for active employees, and just automatically copied to booklets for retirees.

It is difficult to display the precise shade of color of these booklet covers.  Different scanners give different results, none of which matches what the eye sees of the originals.  The left column is fairly close to the original dark shade of red.  But it is hard to read the black text against that dark red.  The right column is easier to read, but is much lighter than the original.  (The inner and outer covers of the originals are all the same shade.) — Collections of Earl Hampton (top picture) and of the author

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