Picture 348.

Looking toward the river from Rampart Street on a bright summer day around 1960.  The two streetcars are 800-900 series cars on the Canal line.  Look at the classic 1950s automobile on the left.  There is a big “Maison Blanche” sign on top of that building, still the tallest one in view.  Signs can be seen for many other businesses, including F. W. Woolworth at the corner of Rampart and Canal, and McCrory's and Kress down the block.  In the upper foreground can be seen the feeder wires for the 600 volt power to the trolley wire, coming up the inside of the light poles from underground.  To the left is a glimpse of the wires for the St. Claude trolley coach line, and to the right, the feeder powers the Tulane trolley coach wires. — Customcraft Co.

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